This Park located in north-eastern part of Rwanda on the border with Tanzania by Akagera liver, it has been a park since 1934 and by now covers 1122km2. Park is made of savannah glass land, 3 Swamps, 10 lakes is a home of fishes, water birds, hippo and Nile crocodile. It offers you a nice view different wild animals including the Big Five. Animals to be seen are the lion, leopard, white rhinoceros, black rhinoceros, Nile crocodile, African bush elephant, and the African buffalo, spotted hyena, hippo, jackals. Other animals are antelope 12 species: waterbuck, impara, giraffe, zebra, and some of small five animals and almost 500 species of birds including rare birds like the Shoebill, red faced barbet, papyrus gonolek. The primates includes olive baboons, vervets monkey and the blue monkey, bush babies which are often seen on night game drives. Variety of wild safari to be done in this park like:  

Night game drive: It is characterized by abundance of fresh air while driving; exploring and counting the stars in sky, moonlights and spotting nocturnal animals like leopards, bush babies, hyena, hypo and much more.

Day game drive: At this time all animals are actives like birds and herbivores: monkeys, elephant, duiker, zebra, and you may found predators are active for fetching their food like leopards, and lions as the king of the forest are active for found their preys as well as sporting scenery view of the park. Here there is choosing to go for balloon rides that provide good sighting for predators and overview of the park.

Fence walk: it is a walk around electrical fence that prevent wild animals goes outside of the park and prevent the poacher to go inside the park, this walk offer memorable experience where you spotting different animals inside the park and outside of the park as well as scenery view of both part.

Boot riding: enjoy boot riding with an expert guide who gives life jackets for your safety, spotting water birds, hippo, crocodile etc. Hopefully enjoy fresh air from the lake as well as spotting scenery view with sunset or sunrise on the water.

Accommodation: also there is a possibility for night stay in park or outside of the park, there are different lodges and camps site on specific site that provide comfortable stay for all categories. Luxury Accommodation/ mild-range Accommodation /Budget Accommodation as tourism in Rwanda is developing all categories of Accommodation are available in and around the park.