About the company

DINO Africa is a regional leading ecotourism travel advisor. We help people explore the beauty of East Africa, and create personalized experiences for our guests that they will treasure for a lifetime. We believe that travel is deserved for everyone. It aids in our understanding of both ourselves and the environment we inhabit. We support and empower your personal journey by offering experienced local tours guides, interpretation services and travel advice.

DINO is delivered from Dinosaur, the amazing creatures that got extinct a million years ago due to a climate disaster. DINO Africa exists to inspire responsible travels to natural areas, environment conservation, and improve the well-being of the local people. We offer tour guidance services and practice eco-tourism, where local residents invite tourists to visit their communities with the provision of overnight accommodation. Along the nights, communities perform local mythical songs and dances, boat riding, tea and coffee experience, fishing, and selling local handcrafts. This opens the world to local communities and helps them make more money than relying on natural forest resources exploitation along with conserving their culture. We advocate for climate change with a one health approach to ensure proper outcome for people animals and environment as well.

Our mission

Practicing eco-friendly tourism to create personal experiences for our guests that they will treasure for a lifetime.

Our vision

A world where travellers have the best possible experiences to treasure for a lifetime in eco-friendly manner