The Wildebeest Migration, A Year-Round Adventure

The Great Wildebeest Migration is one of the most spectacular natural events on the planet, captivating the hearts and minds of adventurers and nature enthusiasts alike. Every year, millions of wildebeest, accompanied by zebras and gazelles, embark on a journey across the vast plains of East Africa in search of greener pastures and water sources. […]


Tsavo national park Tsavo national park, which is situated in Kenya, is the largest park in the country and is comprised of two distinct parts: Tsavo West and Tsavo East. The park is characterized by a variety of habitats such as Riverine vegetation, waterfalls, savannah bush, acacia woodlands, a vast lava-rock plateau, and a diverse […]


Tarangire National Park  Tarangire National Park is situated southwest of Arusha City, and it takes approximately two hours to drive there from the city. Covering an area of 2850km2, it is the largest park in Tanzania. The significance of Tarangire National Park lies in the Tarangire River, which serves as the only source of water […]


What to know about primate tracking Primate tracking is a guided hike through a forest to observe and learn about primates in their natural environment. It can be a moderate or challenging walk and requires following park rules for safety. Watching primates in their daily activities, such as fetching food or caring for young, can […]


Nyungwe National Park is a mountain rainforest in Rwanda, known for its rich biodiversity and significant ecological contributions. Covering 1019 km2, the park provides 70% of the water used during dry seasons and acts as the lungs of Africa, purifying air. The park is home to over 1068 trees and 250 endemic plant species, attracting […]


Uganda, a landlocked country situated in the eastern region of Africa, is renowned for its ten national parks. These parks include Kibale forest, Mount Elgon, Rwenzori Mountains, Kidepo valley, Semuliki, Mgahinga Gorilla, Murchison Falls, Queen Elizabeth, Lake Mburo, and Bwindi impenetrable forest. The presence of these parks makes Uganda one of the most desirable safari […]


Gishwati-Mukura National Park is a rainforest with 35.58 km² located in the north-western part of Rwanda, closer to Lake Kivu on the side of Rubavu. It’s a hilly landscape that gives a wonderful and beautiful scenic view. Its biodiversity includes eastern chimpanzees, mountain monkeys and golden monkeys, serval, genet, civet, small mammals, amphibians, reptiles, and […]


Rwanda, the country of thousand hills and mountains. Some of those mountains make volcano national park which is located in northwest of Rwanda, bordered by Uganda and republic of Congo. It is the oldest park in Africa and was created in 1925, at that time was called Albert National Park. The altitudes of the park […]


It is the largest and the deepest lake in Rwanda and the sixth largest in Africa, it lies on board in the Western part of Rwanda with the Democratic Republic of Congo. Rubavu is a large town on the edge of Lake Kivu considered as the perfect place to relax on the beach.    This lake […]


This Park located in north-eastern part of Rwanda on the border with Tanzania by Akagera liver, it has been a park since 1934 and by now covers 1122km2. Park is made of savannah glass land, 3 Swamps, 10 lakes is a home of fishes, water birds, hippo and Nile crocodile. It offers you a nice […]